Saturday, March 9, 2013


Saya baru pulang dari Bangkok. 4 hari di sana baru habiskan seribu duit kita. Murah barangnya. Sedar sedar saya sudah kumpul 4beg!! Masa pergi back pack je. Baju bawa sehelai dua.. hehe
Ok ros biasa yang ada di Malaysia yang saya jumpa - Summer Snow.
Summer Snow ini ada yang putih, ada juga pink. Dalam gambar adalah pink. Antara pokok paling meriah berbunga. Anda pasti tidak menyesal memilikinya.
Ini sedikit info cara membela Summer Snow.
Summer snow roses require full sun and quick drainage, and will only bloom if they get sun exposure for up to eight hours every day. Plant them in a spot where they will have room for their upward growth, and give them an arbor or trellis to grow on.
Roses require quick drainage and loose, nutritious soil. Plant them in a mixture of quick-draining soil and organic compost, and add fish emulsion or bone meal into the planting site for additional nutrition.
Watering and Fertilizer
Summer snow roses are hungry, thirsty plants. Water them up to four times a week to give them 1 to 2 inches of water every week and to keep the soil moist. Feed them starting at planting. Roses do best with rose-specific fertilizer, which contains high levels of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous for growing and blooming.

Pink Summer Snow yang saya ambil gambarnya di Market Chatuchak, Bangkok

1 comment:

  1. Salam,

    Terima kasih atas tips yang diberi. Sekarang saya juga mencuba menanam mawar.


Saya Peminat Tegar Mawar Khatulistiwa.
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